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Paper submission

Call for Papers
Paper Submission
Important Dates
Call for Participation
Interop Testing
minOLSR Contest

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Manuscripts are to be submitted by email to olsrworkshoppapers@free.fr.

Prior to submitting the manuscript, please check that it falls within the scope of this OLSR interop & workshop, and that it corresponds to the format described below.

Submitted papers will be reviewed for format, scope and content, before being accepted (or rejected). Authors must ensure that the papers they submit are "camera ready" since no iterations will follow upon acceptance or rejection notification.

Manuscripts must be formatted according to the IEEE double-column standard format, with the text typset in a 10pt font size. Authors should use only standard fonts, i.e., Times Roman, Courier, Symbol, and Helvetica, or their equivalent. All papers must be submitted in PDF (Portable Document Format). Postscript and MSWord files should be converted to PDF before submission. The IEEE Latex and Microsoft Word style files and related information can be obtained from the IEEE Site. Please use font size of 10pt and do not exceed the page length limit: 4 pages.

The submission deadline is July 14, 2004 at midnight CET.